seeing it so obvious right before my eyes, i presume it's for me to address to it.
looking at how you actually see the whole situation, it seems like everyone else is wrong and you're right but everyone just seem to be going against you.
okay, shall cut the crap and get into topic.
firstly, right from the beginning, i knew that this day will come. Many kept telling me that you're still young and in time to come you'll grow up and understand. So i listened and didn't want to think too much as i might be wrong and it's true that you need time to know what we're doing for you is good.
However, according to the situation, i just cannot help it but to mention this:
If you really hate your family and think that your friends are the best, think again.
Why not look at it like that:
- In the first place, can your friends even bring you anywhere?
- are they the ones paying for your school fees?
- are they the ones giving you money to get food?
- when you're doing wrong, are they there to correct you or are they just being idiots supporting you all the way? (yes, you may think they're good since they are supporting you but you're WRONG in the first place)
- when it's exam period, are they there to revise your school work with you?
- do you think that one day if you're homeless, they'll take you in to stay for life?
there are still so much more that i can think of by comparing your friends with your family especially only at your age.
Next, you think that you're from a lousy family. Okay, i don't deny this to a certain extent since i once thought so when i was younger. But i've never thought that my friend, only child with a maid to serve her is very good. Having a maid is good? have you seen what you've got? you have a mother out there to wash your clothes, handle your meals, getting others to make sure you're full and nice every single day? Moreover, she get people to tutor you and make sure that you don't fail your exams. is this not more than what a maid can do?
thirdly, you always think that they're all ganging up against you. is there so much time for them to do such stupid things to come together to go against you? i'm sure if they can't be bothered with you, they'll just ignore you and let you die alone. do you see the reason why they're always saying you? It's so that you can see what you've done wrong. you think that they've never been in your shoes. Have you tried being in theirs? Do you think that being a senior and you have a junior being so rude to you when you're trying to correct her is nice? And you think that being rude makes yourself very high and mighty? In others eyes, they'll only think that you're an ill mannered kid who has no parents to teach.
Fourthly, back to the second point, you think that having a maid is best. So i conclude that your friend's family is rich. I can tell you that your family is not rich but havent you got the best from them already? Do you see me eating pizza hut, fish & co., swensen's... as and when i like? i can tell you this. i've never even eaten teppanyaki before. and the last time i ate swensen's? i can only remember the last time i had it was like when i was in secondary 1. and mind you, i went to swensen's just for the ice cream, not even a full meal. if you think that you're unfortunate, how about being in my shoes?
everyone is trying to fulfil what you ask for. once they can't fulfil one which they really think buy/spending on it is really going to be hard, you think that they're lying to you. If they can have a better life, do you think they will reject it? do you think your mum has to slog so hard everyday to earn money to pay for what you always ask for? do you think the rest of your siblings want to start working even while studying? aren't they already doing their best for you?
you've been looking too much into owning what you WANT that you're blaming your family for not giving them to you. while they're trying so hard just to satisfy your needs. you may think that what i'm saying is against you again and it's all a total crap. but what i can say is, if you think that i have nothing better to do than to start telling you these, you're wrong as i still have a whole chunk of reports for me to complete and tests coming up.
go think about it. you know who you are.
till next time>>
so much talking on my side, it still depends on you if you really want to reflect upon it.
i see no point in telling this face-to-face with you since i know that you'll just shut me off with what i call your "lousy attitude".