Sunday, April 16, 2006

16 April 2006

Its Sunday today! Went to the church in the morning. It seems especially early today cos its combine parade. I really want to thank God. You see, I havent been able to concentrate during service every single time but recently, I have learnt a lot in church. Although today I was dozing off and can hardly keep my eyes open, I still get to absorb quite a few info. I can see that Cherie is very very tired cos I caought her nodding her head for a few times. Hahah. After that, were all given an egg to eat. It was very nice cos I was very hungry. We finished our eggs and went to witness the baptism. QS didn't get baptise so its like all from the chinese congregation. We went there merely to take pictures. That about all for today morning.

I finished my homework for tomorrow (: I seldom finish my work so soon thats why I'm so happy. However, chinese is not done yet cos I only have to hand it in on Tuesday but tuesday is Sports day so I have to hand it in on Wednesday. yeepee!

Von, Cherie and I were very keen in joining the cheerleading competition but we CAN'T!! Firstly, not enough people (min. 25 ppl). Secondaly, we don't have a proper routine. If we use the CCA open house routine, we will only disgrace ourselves. Thridly, if only the few of us are keen, the morale is low and that wouldn't work!! Lastly and the most important, we have EXAMS!!! Therefore, we can't participate ):
Maybe at the most we can go into Mediacorp to take a peek at the competition.


Tomorrow, school again and I don't usually update my blog cos its the same old routine:
1. go to school in the morning
2. supplementary/lunch
3. Home
4. Do homework
5. 9pm, watch TV
6. Sleep
So this is basically my routine for the weekdays unless special occasions.

till next time>>

Saturday, April 15, 2006

15 April 2006

It's another saturday again. However, this is the Saturday that is the turning point for the rest of our Saturdays. Today is BB and GB's enrolment service cum GB P3 last parade. some updates on today's enrolment. It was rather boring for NCOs cos we only have a sentence to say and tts all. After the whole event, we had some photo taking sessions. One of the sessions is combined with the BB so its the whole 13 coy. Next, we had our own sessions mostly by our fellow P3 girls. While the rest of the ppl went to take their refreshments, we P3s keep taking pictures. Jo brought her camera so we started snapping pics. One of them is Cherie and Jolene giving their kisses to Joce first then me. hahah. then they took pics of it. so comical lah. we took lots of pic cos its somehow the last gathering for P3s though. yupx.. we had fun today (:

We are currently leading in the Sports heats. 4E2 you rocks!!! I got 5th for 1500m. 4.44m for shotput and long jump was a so terrible tt I forgot my distance. hahah.

I learnt so much on Good Friday. I seriously don't know what is Good Friday and Easter day for until yesterday. I really learnt a lot (: After that, we[yeok, dian, cherx, jocex and me!] went for bowling. It's one of the most memorable one cos I scored 75 points. Though its not very high but its the highest for me!! Hahah. followed by a neoprint session without Cherie [cos she want to play pool]. It was so funny cos we were like freaking out in the stations but overall, we had a very funfilled session.

* Thank God for giving me happiness and life once again. Amen.

till next time>>

Saturday, April 08, 2006

8 April 2006

There is GB today and I guess this is the last time that we are spending time together as a platoon and company. Next week is enrolment service and also somehow our last parade. I really miss the days we had together as a company especially the platoon 3 girls. We had spent our ups and downs together. All the smelly days in camps and the laughter we share. We, the fellow faithful P3s are together for almost 4 years. I really cannot bear to leave just like tt. However, there is always an end to everything especially those fun-filled times we share. For those Zephers cheerleaders too. Although I only joined when I was in my Sec 2, 2004, I still treasure the times together with all of you! Not forgetting all the officers who started the whole foundation of the Girls' Brigade 13th Company. Especially want to thank Ms Eunice, our P3 officer who has taught us so much these few years and bringing us to Christ. I really appreciate all the Hot topics, CE and helping us to cope with our projects for our badges. I also want to thank Ms Sharon though she is no longer an officer of GB anymore. She used to be the Alpha P3's CE teacher for 2003 and 2004. Although it is only 2 years with her for CE, I really ameliorated from a girl who knew nuts about God and Jesus, to a girl who can actually teach my juniors basic learnings. I am very very very very very very very thankful to these people who had changed my life totally to a girl I am today. Not forgetting tt all these memories were also God's plans that he had pathed for me. I seriously want to thank them all so MUCH!!!!!!! LOVE YOU ALL!!!

Yesterday's speech day was overall a success though there were flaws here and there. Want to thank God for holding the rain back when we were about to march out. Diana, Jolene and I were like "shit its going to rian how how" then Diana suggested that we pray in silence and the 3 of us did and indeed not a single drop of rain was dripped from the clouds for the whole day (: Thank Him!! This also proves tt He is always out there to hear us pray to Him. Followed by was the cheerleading performance. though it wasn't as well done as the CCA open house, there were still feedbacks like it was quite good and Ken even said tt it was awesome (: The double-base with Jocelyn was finally a success too. Good job Zephers! So proud of all of you! There were quite a number of good stuff so overall I classify as an accomplished and well done task.

It's really time to study now that everything has ended and the stepping down of our positions in our CCAs are to allow us to study so I'm really gonna make full use of it.

*will miss you all GUYS!!*

till next time>>

Thursday, April 06, 2006

6 April 2006

tomorrow is speech day and I'm feeling a little sick caused by the continuos rain this few days. Have to get ready for tomorrow's speech day. Doing all the polishing and all the arrangements for my uniform can be tiring too. Gonna rest well today or else I'm sure I will need Yeok Ling to reserve me.

The campus superstar, Zhi Yang won!! Not really a suprise to me but I'm still very glad he won (: Although I admire him, I cannot let him take over God in my life.
Seriously, he is cute. Hopefully I can see him on the streets one day..

Yesterday I missed cell. felt a little guilty. I felt really distant from Him. God, pls bring me closer to you. Amen.

yi shou zian dan de ge..

till next time>>

Saturday, April 01, 2006

1 April 2006

A rainy saturday today. Went for cheerleading in the morning and I was late. Supposed to be in school by 9am. Unfortunately, I woke up late so I reached school only at 10am. We did some practises on our cheer, as in sharpening our motions for our cheer as well as our dance. After that, we were trying out stunts in the hall. It was quite boring at that time cos my flyer was like lazing away and I'm not able to load her so I was like lazing together with the 2 bases too. Our flyer only managed to stand up in a double-base stunt once with ther help of Sarah.

After reading the newspaper just now, I realised that everyone in this world is dying. Yesterday, a man was sliced by a rotor blade of a helicopter and 61 out of 63 Singaporeans died when they were dining in a ferry and it sunk for dono what reason. Futhermore, a woman was accused of murdering her husband in UK. Today, I read of a man who has mental problem shot his boss after his boss fired him.
What is happening?? Seriously, I dono what this world is coming to.

Yesterday's 9pm Drama was a total piece of crap. The ending suck was really lousy :(

till next time>>