Saturday, June 13, 2009

rainbow after the rain

YAY! i managed to convert the video and upload it here. i'm not that noob afterall (:

I remembered on our 1st month, darling made a video for me. so for the 1st aniversary, it's my turn (: enjoy love!

Met up with clique yesterday for catching up and xiangyuan's birthday celebration. They are seriously the best people to catch up about work as they know exactly what i'm facing and how i feel. BEST LA! It was just fun and laughter throughout. Of course, we never fail to put xiang yuan to some awful pranks. guess what? we made him so touched that he cried, made him awfully full and became a merlion. hahahahah. Great start to my weekends :D

Training compensated for the miscommunication. I feel so much better to release all the accumulated sadness. So it's much easier to get things settled.

I'm fine again. thanks to"you all know who you are" for hearing me out when i needed it (: LOVE YOU ALL!

There was an indescribable fear. I was scared when i had to face you. I had to hold back my tears and control my breathing. Guess things just happened too suddenly and i've never expected it. But now i'm fine and i hope that this will not be forgotten. Let's treat this as a lesson and we'll get even closer from this time on.

back to eLog.

till next time>>


Blogger icezsan said...

I almost die on spot when swallowing down the HOrrible sushi.. NO MORE GINGER !! LOL

12:06 AM  

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