living under a mushroom head );
i still not over it.
ya. it's a regret.
but well well, since i always wanted to have my primary 2 hair cut.
think pepper's really irritated by my "omg i look like a mushroom", "i want my hair to grow!", "i must consider 10 times before cutting my hair again", "why am i so stupid to cut it?", etc.
cause he had to convince me for like 1001 times that i look perfectly fine and others think that i look fine too.
However, if my colleagues can be laughing at me, there is something very wrong with that wig on my head.
so i'm still considering if i should post that picture of mine here.
kays, enough of my nonsense.
tomorrow will be down to KALLANG to test the water and try the getting-back-up-on-boat procedure so that we can be as efficient as possible on race day this coming sunday.
Will be trying out the water bag that pepper lend me. For the first time im using a water bag while rowing. It's kind of a hindrance and it numbs my jaw when i tried biting and sucking the water out from that long straw.
time to head for bed. another long day tomorrow.
sorry pepper for troubling you)':
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