9 May 2007
THANK GOD THANK GOD!! I'm so grateful that HE has given me joce in BCS, OC and SP2 lab reports and projects. SERIOUSLY! I can nv be more thankful. She is always of GREAT GREAT HELP!! I do recognise your effort only that I nv say out.. but I truely am thankful.
it sounds like I'm not doing my job but in fact, I GOT DO okay!!!! Just trying to be thankful for her great effort.
Alrighty, finally, our fears has ended. Cannot say ended also but at least we have a day break from all the lab reports.. yupss.. like finally!
Had strawberry milk tea today ((:
But I still prefer the food junction version. KUNGFU lousy. Dont have bubble tea.
Today, many things happened. I cannot imagine how accurate my mouth is. It's kind of shocking too. Initially, joce and I were chatting in south canteen and I suddenly thought that what if B* is sitting infront of us, what will we react. Then we thought it was just some wild guesses so we let it go and in a whiles time, B* appeared!! OMG! and he sat infront of us like what I mentioned. Not only that. As B* went to get his food, we wanted to wait for him to get back before we leave but he took like so long. So joce was super disappointed and I told her to look on the bright side and maybe when we walk out of the canteen, she will happen to bump into Adraino. Indeed, when we step out of the canteen, we saw him and joce bump into him. WAH LIAO! why is it so accurate? next, after seeing adraino, I thought of a friend who looks like him and after walking 4 steps away from adriano, I say YL. Kind of SCARY and FREAKY that how can I ever be so accurate. NV NV have I been that accurate mann.. I always thought that this kind of thing will only happen in my dreams.. AHA!
I miss kayak training already! no selection! I'm saved! yes yes! thank GOD once again.. AMEN!
till next time>>
it sounds like I'm not doing my job but in fact, I GOT DO okay!!!! Just trying to be thankful for her great effort.
Alrighty, finally, our fears has ended. Cannot say ended also but at least we have a day break from all the lab reports.. yupss.. like finally!
Had strawberry milk tea today ((:
But I still prefer the food junction version. KUNGFU lousy. Dont have bubble tea.
Today, many things happened. I cannot imagine how accurate my mouth is. It's kind of shocking too. Initially, joce and I were chatting in south canteen and I suddenly thought that what if B* is sitting infront of us, what will we react. Then we thought it was just some wild guesses so we let it go and in a whiles time, B* appeared!! OMG! and he sat infront of us like what I mentioned. Not only that. As B* went to get his food, we wanted to wait for him to get back before we leave but he took like so long. So joce was super disappointed and I told her to look on the bright side and maybe when we walk out of the canteen, she will happen to bump into Adraino. Indeed, when we step out of the canteen, we saw him and joce bump into him. WAH LIAO! why is it so accurate? next, after seeing adraino, I thought of a friend who looks like him and after walking 4 steps away from adriano, I say YL. Kind of SCARY and FREAKY that how can I ever be so accurate. NV NV have I been that accurate mann.. I always thought that this kind of thing will only happen in my dreams.. AHA!
I miss kayak training already! no selection! I'm saved! yes yes! thank GOD once again.. AMEN!
till next time>>
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