Outing with cherie and joce

Lets talk about what happened during our outing..
Before that, I must say, I started my day off very badly as my left eye swell really badly and I cant wear contacts today! Its swell so much tht I can hardly even close my eyes. SIGH!!
Anyway, I still went out. So, lets get back to our outing. We headed to town.. hmm.. why not I say it in a story manner. A bedtime story before I head to bed.
On a bright a sunny morning, Joce and I met in Yishun MRT station and headed to town to meet cherie.
Too long a day. It's from 11.50am to 8.30pm. Therefore, I'm going to shorten my story..
We shopped in Wisma, then to Cine.. We decided to have ice-cream!! So, we headed down to the ice-cream shop. Joce and I had banana split and cherx had some caramel thing.
Cherie's caramel drink
Our banana split
WE SOOOO love the cream!!
No more cream!!
BANG!! suddenly, joce thought of a question. Why is there only one banana in the banana split?? Then I replied. NO!! there's 2 cos I thought its 2pieces of banana when I saw that its split apart. Then, I realised that it's only one banana which is splitted into 2 pieces so I told joce. There's only 1 banana becos its called banana split. So that's one good lesson we learnt about banana split.
Also, Joce bend her spoon!! Want to know how she did it?? I shall do the demo..
Proceed on, we went shopping again. Shop, shop and shop. Cherie and I cant take it anymore as i'm wearing heels and she's wearing a new pair of shoes. Thus, we decided to take a seat outside the children's toilet in taka. Before we find our seats, we wanted to go back to our childhood days so we went to the children's department to play a fool..
Just nice 3 seats for the 3 of us.. LOL!! We sat there and laughed so loudly that a lady have to tell us "SHHHH!!!" HAHA!! So, we lowered our volumes alittle however, in about 5 mins time, the volume is back. LOL!! We spent 30 mins sitting there and doing silly stuff.
Lastly, I'm very hungry so I requested to go to the food court to catch a bite. While we were there, we did even more silly stuff. Oh and, we saw Stephanie Sun. Joce was so priviledged to sit in a position where she can face her directly. However, I think if jon(s'pore idol) were to sit there, She will jump to him man and take lots of pics.. which will also be her best BDAY present EVER!! lol!!!!!!
SO, we spent 2 and a half hours there talking rubbish and laughing contagiously.. LOL!!
The drama that happened..
Cherie got too bored in the food court and she decided to scare me. BOO!! She shocked me with her DINO face. I was so angry that I gave her a hard stare. However, she meant it as a joke yet I took it VERY seriously so we got angry with each other that we GLARED at each other. We were so frustrated by each other that we started shouting at each other. Joce, our birthday girl, didn't want to see us quarrel so she played the peacemaker and calm us down. On 6, Cherie felt sorry and decided nv to scare me ever again. In conclusion, We became good friends again and stayed happily ever AFTER!!
LOL!! nice?? Our friendship story..
till next time>>
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