Thursday, January 18, 2007

cheerlead performance and working life

My com just broke down and got well yesterday. Okay so finally I got the chance to upload all the cheerlead pics of that day. now i'm really miss the day whereby we have to wake up early ad take the train to TPY for prac. At least I get to see all my friends. Now, everybody is working and studying. I think the next time that we are going to see each other is on that day we get our results. Fortunately, I can see cherx this SUNDAY!! YAY!! Its the Gliderz event so make sure you turn up!! Its going to be lots of fun!! EVERYbody is welcomed!! okay, back to topic.. The cheerlead performance turn out rather well although some still made mistakes. All the forward rolls are great and thank God, I managed to do my cartwheel! HAHA! I can finally stike it off my wishlist. It all ended in a flash. Next, we went down to the booth. There's popcorns. COOL! If I'm not wrong, I think I saw that 20 girls are interested. I hope that all 20 will turn up in the welcome parade. Actually, before the performance, jo, cherx and I went to watch ONE LAST DANCE. Was nice.. although we dont really get what is the ending about but no matter what, Francis Ng is in the show so, its nice ((:

I'm blogging now simply because i'm OFF today. The ppl are so idiotic. They dont allow me to take off on Fri. I can't go to the open house with Cherie.. I'm so sorry. I tried my best. Instead, I'm ging with Cindy, Shawn and Jasmine. The worst thing is, After the open house, I got nothing to do so i'm going back home. Its WAY dumb. Waste of my precious day. Oh wells, I can just get home to watch TV.About the off day, I'm so pissed off. Actually I can't get anymore OFF days except for Thurs which Jun wen swopped with me. However, I have to be at the GliderZ event so badly that I begged them so hard and was reprimanded for informing them late about taking OFF on a Sunday. I hate IT!! nvm.. I'm going to bid farwell to them VERY soon. I just have to perservere on a little more.

One last thing before I leave for the open house. I queue up for the donuts while working on Tues. I felt s guilty but it was so adventurous that I will nv expect myself to actually be doing it. The donut fctory opens at 12.30pm. Cindy and I went to queue at 11.30am. HAHAHAH!! We are the first to arrive and we kept hallucinating that our supervisor is standing behind us. However, we still met bear bear. He was forced told to pretend that he DID not see us! HAHA! And finally, the gate is drawed up and taadaa~ we got our donuts. What an achievement! We spend less than 30secs to order. ): I got 12 donuts home. After eating 3 donuts, I felt sick of it and nah.. I will never do such a stupid thing to queue for donuts ever again..

till next time>>


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