Thursday, November 16, 2006

16 nov

first of all, I want to thank GOD which leads to me thanking George Bush. I dont know why is bush coming over but I really need to thank him bcos, I overslept today and woke up only at 8!! If george Bush did not come to S'pore, the exam time would not have been pushed back to 9.. phew. I'm fated to take my A math P2. HA~ Of course its God's plan that He brought Bush to S'pore if not I'm also dead. THANKS DAD!! hehe.

CHerx and jocex must have had a good time today in town.. I'm bored stiff. When I got home, it seems like every second takes an hour to pass. I even dozed off while watching some stupid cartoons on Kids central which is so boring. Why can't Kids Central screen some more interesting cartoons for the sack of some 16 year old girl who still watches CARTOONS?! Not only Kids Central. Even those shows on channel 8 and U are stupid. Afternoons are supposed to enjoyable but why was I suffering so much just now?? erhhh..

I'm still left with one paper. Bcos of the Os, I've neglected so many things. Gotta patch them up soon. OH!! one important thing: 6A7(2002) gathering is on 24 Nov and its the first day of work too which also clashes with YC'06 but I'm not in for that. Its such a coincidence that 3 important activities happen on one single day. Heheh.. incredible.

When can we watch Step Up?? Can we watch it on the 20th?? anyone??
Thinking of Step Up, I've been thinking of cheerlead like practically every night before i sleep. Not as enthu as those kind like the day before the 1st prac though, but I'm SOOOs looking forward to it.. hehe. Can't get enough of it. ** Bring It On: all or nothing** 6th time already.

till next time>>


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