Friday, July 21, 2006

Racial Harmony Day

The day of commemorating Racial Harmony Day.
However, our school is always so unique. Therefore, being the outstanding ones, we wore our costums on Wednesday. This year's wasn't so fun. It was dreary. The most electrifying was the segment when they announced the best dressed class. Obviously, 4E2 got first thats why its the most rousing. followed closely by 4E3 and 4E1. We finally got a CHAMPIONSHIP this year. We lost in sports day, hamper wrapping, cross-country (which we all topped throughout last year). Although I still feel that our class is no longer like before, I still want to thank those who really supported and didn't disappoint us. I'm really grateful.

In the morning, we had PE- the only reason why I appear in school. We played basketball and soccer. I wasn't very alert today. I missed most of the balls and didn't grab then well. I'm really sorry I didn't perform today. Now, I prefer soccer. It was fun though we didn't had any goals. We were all chasing after the ball like mad dogs chasing after robbers. Total madness. I love the run. It was like more than a normal 2.4Km race. Chasing after a ball is not easy. The stupid ball doesn't want to stop for us. HAHA. Can you imagine, like 10 girls chasing after one stupid ball. Ok, overall, it was fun (:

I'm going swimming tomorrow. Can't really call it a swim cos I can't swim but I'm trying really hard to master it. I've heard of many bad things about swimming in this period of time but I'm not afraid cos I have GOD with me. HE IS MY POWER! I must have faith in Him that He will be there for me. Like one of the stories in the Bible that is something like: there was this big storm and Jesus's diciples was so scared and they were still thinking why does Jesus still sleeping when there is such a big storm. Then Jesus told them "why are you so afraid?" "Don't you all have faith in me that I can calm the waves?" Something like that larh. This is NOT an extract or something. I will find the story for you all. ok, so, I must have faith in HIM no matter WHAT!

Before I end, I present the racial harmony day models!!


till next time>>


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